Adaptive Courseware and Active Learning

Between 2016 and 2019, the Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) joined seven other land-grant institutions in the Accelerating Adoption of Adaptive Courseware grant offered by the Personalized Learning Consortium (PLC) of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).  This assessment conducted by IRP&E is a supplemental, internal assessment of the APLU grant and […]

Exploratory Studies

Exploratory Studies (formally “Undeclared”) students comprise roughly 20% of CSU’s new, main campus students every fall term. A May 2017 report offers an updated picture (from the 2011 report) on first-time, full-time (FTFT) undeclared students’ demographic characteristics, persistence rates, and graduation rates. For cohorts FA08-FA15, the majority (56%) of undeclared students have no stated academic […]

Honors Program

These reports provide an overview of the demographic breakdown of first-year, fall cohort students in the honors program along several categories over the last five years. Persistence and graduation rates among Honors students are explored in the 2016 and 2015 reports. Overall, students who are female, non-residents, and STEM majors are well-represented in the Honors […]

Academic Policies

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CSU implemented academic policy adjustments to increase flexibility for students. Students were able to switch any of their earned letter grades to a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade after grades were posted and the course withdrawal deadline was extended. The 2020, 2021, and 2022 reports describe how students utilized these policies […]

SLiCE Program Participation

The May 2022 report examines the correlation between SLiCE participation and persistence to 2nd fall, 3rd fall, and 4th fall. This report focuses only on full-time fall and summer starts in cohorts FA16-FA20. It finds that SLiCE participation in a given academic year is associated with a 1.5 to 3 percentage point higher likelihood of […]

Learning Communities

Learning Communities (LCs) at Colorado State University are a high-impact practice that bring strategically defined cohorts of students together around a common purpose to enrich learning, provide a sense of community, and empower them to become engaged campus and global citizens. The experience is highly structured, integrating within and between curricular and co-curricular elements. In […]

Transfer Student Success

The 2019 report provides an overview of transfer students admitted to the university during the 2011 through 2017 cohort years, exploring demographic characteristics, student success outcomes, as well as perceptions and experiences as captured in the annual Taking Stock survey. Transfer students comprise a significant proportion of the student population and bring diversity to the […]

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and Persistence

These reports investigate 2nd Fall and 3rd Fall persistence rates by Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for recent first-time, full-time (FTFT) freshman cohorts.  Analyses are conducted separately for Colorado resident freshmen and nonresident freshmen, and sub-groups of interest including First Generation students and minority students are analyzed in addition to the full cohort population. More recent analyses examine student success […]

Student Success and Financial Aid

These reports examine student success and financial aid by using a novel metric, the net cost ratio. The net cost ratio is the proportion of a student’s cost of attendance (COA) after “gift aid” (i.e., grants and scholarships that do not need to be repaid) has been applied. For example, a student’s COA was $26,900 […]

Students Recommended for Support

Since 2016 CSU has used a holistic review to identify students as recommended for support (SRS) during the admissions process. The reason(s) why a student is flagged as needing extra support can include low test scores, poor high school grades in math or composition, and a student can be flagged for having a low high […]