The evaluation of academic programs, as described in the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual (section C., enables faculty members to assess the quality of their academic programs and evaluate the unit/departmental operations. The process is critical to how Colorado State University ensures the quality of our degree programs and focuses on continuous improvement.  While the faculty manual does not prescribe the schedule for program review, typically, reviews occur every 5-7 years or in accordance with specialized accreditation schedules.  The process is overseen by the Vice Provost for Planning and Effectiveness with input from college deans and associate deans.  The review process begins in the fall of each year, lasts about 15 months, and includes the following:


Program Review Resources (including information for the self-study, report structure, timeline of activities, and resources related to students, curriculum and research.)

Self-Study Process

  1. The unit/department faculty and staff will complete an introspective self-study. A template for the self-study will be provided to stimulate a thorough reflection and analysis. The department head/chair should not be involved in writing the self study.
  2. The completed self-study is then provided to the department head/chair, the college dean, and a review committee. All will provide feedback
  3. That feedback and the insights from the self-study should be used to develop a strategic unit/departmental Action Plan. That plan should feed up to the college strategic plan which further feeds up to the University Strategic Plan.
  4. An executive summary of the self-study and Action Plan is then provided to the Provost for consideration in planning and budgeting processes. The executive summary will be provided to the Board of Governors.

Action Plan

After the program review process is complete, the unit/department will provide updates annually as follows:

  1. Program learning outcomes will be assessed. Results and refinements to the assessment plan itself are documented in the Anthology tool. Use of the tool for this purpose has been optional in the past but will now be required. Training in the use of the tool is available. These updates will be integrated into subsequent program reviews as summative assessment and serve as formative assessment in the interim years.
  2. Strategic Action Plan initiatives will be reviewed. Progress and refinements to the Action Plan will be documented in the Anthology tool. Use of the tool for this purpose has been optional in the past but will now be required. Again, training in the use of the tool will be provided. These updates will be included in reporting at the institutional and college-level planning updates. 

To review the strategic imperatives identified for the university community, visit the University Strategic Plan website.