The 2019 report explores differences in persistence and graduation rates among self-identified racial categories and serves as an update to reports generated by identity in 2016 that highlighted gaps for all racially minoritized (RM or minoritized) groups. Institutional research data by racial groups are often presented according to federal guidelines, which masks variation and undercounts all racial /ethnic groups since students are forced into one category based on federally defined priority grouping.
Full-time, first-time (FTFT) racially-minoritized (RM) student enrollment has increased by 82.7% when comparing cohorts across time (Fall 2010, N=884; Fall 2017, N=1615). Many of these students hold more than one identity, which is not accurately represented by counts defined by federal guidelines. Despite growing representation on campus, persistence and graduation gaps continue to exist for RM students compared to non-RM students.
For FTFT RM students, persistence and graduation gaps are most significant for Native American students. By 6-year graduation, Black and Hispanic/Latinx student gaps exceed Multiracial. These gaps demonstrate the need to continue success initiatives across students’ academic career, as barriers to persistence and graduation continue to be significant over time.
Gaps also vary for full-time transfer students with RM identities. Full-time AHPI transfer students persisted above non-RM transfer students at each time point. Full-time Black-identified transfer students exhibited the largest persistence and graduation gap at each time period, followed by Native American and multi-racial students. In general, transfer RM students have smaller persistence and graduation gaps compared to first-time students, with the exception of Black and Multiracial transfer students, who may require more support to be successful.