Categories and Key Word Examples

Curricular – Assessments of credit bearing programs and policies (academic policies, credit recovery courses, early performance feedback, campus connections)
Co-Curricular – Reports focusing on non-credit bearing programs and policies (advising, honors, residence life, SDPS programs)
Equity and Access –  Assessments of programs/policies intentionally aimed to increase equity in student outcomes and access to CSU (rams against hunger, financial aid, net cost analysis)
Reports on programs that are considered a high impact practice in the national literature (learning communities, UG research, first year seminars)
High-impact Practices – Reports on programs that are considered a high impact practice in the national literature (learning communities, UG research, first year seminars)
Pre-Admit Characteristics – Reports that explore the attributes students arrive at CSU with and the correlates with success at CSU (students recommended for support, pre-admit characteristics, HS GPA vs Index)
Student Success – Reports in the student success category focus on metrics like graduation and retention rates in order to compare these rates across different programs or support activities. Metrics might also include credit accumulation and GPA or probation rates.

Search Research Briefs

High School Graduate GPA Inflation

Though there was little data at the state level on high school GPAs/grade inflation, several recent national studies conducted by ACT, Inc.[1] and National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) [2] explore high school grade inflation.  Where possible, we compare these national studies to

Students Recommended for Support

Since 2016 CSU has used a holistic review to identify students as recommended for support (SRS) during the admissions process. The reason(s) why a student is flagged as needing extra support can include low test scores, poor high school grades

Academic Predictors of Success

The number of institutions of higher education using Test Optional Policies (TOPs) in admissions decisions has increased significantly in recent years, including a growing number of four-year Colorado institutions Colorado College, University of Denver, Colorado Christian University, and Metropolitan State