Taking Stock

October 07, 2021

The Taking Stock (TS) program seeks to better understand students’ first year experiences, further their opportunities for success, and improve first-year retention. TS uses survey data to promote meaningful conversations between on campus undergraduates and their Resident Advisors (RAs). These …

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Campus Connections

October 07, 2021

Campus Connections (CC) is a multidisciplinary service learning course at CSU where undergraduate students serve as mentors to youth. Students from all majors work one-on-one with youth ranging from 11-18 to tackle a broad range of challenges. Youth are referred …

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Residence Life

September 16, 2021

Residence Life Annual Assessment Reports provide information on the demographics and student success outcomes of different groups of students: (i) residence life students in a learning community, (ii) residence life students not in a learning community, and (iii) commuter students. …

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