Community for Excellence
The Community for Excellence (C4E) creates an asset-based approach to equitable learning experiences for students from their first semester to their last.
The Community for Excellence (C4E) creates an asset-based approach to equitable learning experiences for students from their first semester to their last.
These reports produced for the Cultural Centers assist with their program review process by providing the demographics, persistence, graduation, and GPA of students that participate in their programs.
Though there was little data at the state level on high school GPAs/grade inflation, several recent national studies conducted by ACT, Inc.[1] and National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) [2] explore high school grade inflation. Where possible, we compare these national studies to …
This report describes the ASSET students at CSU in terms of their academic/demographic characteristics as well as their student success indicators. ASSET status is defined as being eligible for in-state tuition under Senate Bill 13-033 during any semester of enrollment …
Campus Connections (CC) is a multidisciplinary service learning course at CSU where undergraduate students serve as mentors to youth. Students from all majors work one-on-one with youth ranging from 11-18 to tackle a broad range of challenges. Youth are referred …
The 2017 report examines the relationship between campus recreation activity (i.e., recreation center visits and intramural participation) and academic success for the 2015-2016 academic year. Overall, half of all enrolled undergraduates visited the recreation center and 12% played on an intramural …
The number of institutions of higher education using Test Optional Policies (TOPs) in admissions decisions has increased significantly in recent years, including a growing number of four-year Colorado institutions Colorado College, University of Denver, Colorado Christian University, and Metropolitan State …