Rams Against Hunger

Operating from The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLiCE), Rams Against Hunger (RAH) offers a menu of services that support students, faculty and staff experiencing food insecurity. These reports describe the student demographics and academic performance for RAH applicants and awardees.

The 2020 report explores three programs that support students, faculty, and staff experiencing food insecurity, specifically: the Ram Food Recovery Program, the Meal Swipe Program, and the Mobile Food Pantry between 2017 and 2020.  The 2019 report focuses on only the Mobile Food Pantry and the 2016 report focuses on the Meal Swipe program.

For 2020, most program participants were undergraduate students. Yet employees, typically graduate assistants and state classified personnel, also made up a substantial proportion of participants. Long term trends showed an increase in users of RAH’s programs. As the COVID-19 crisis persists and economic uncertainty remains, it is likely RAH will continue to see an increase in the need for its services across the community.